Hello! Welcome to ever be.!
We are a family run company who loves God and desires to encourage others through His Word.
It is our hearts desire at everBe to design things that point others back to Jesus.

Back in the summer, we were praying for God’s leading into what He wanted moving forward for ever be. Honestly, I personally was going through a time of discouragement in my life and was desperate to hear God’s voice and wisdom for us moving forward. One day as I was praying, a question came to mind. “Why did you choose the name ever be.?” In that moment, and with that simple question, God reminded my heart and began to birth this new jewelry collection.

Like every company name, there is always a meaning behind it. Some may be a family name, where others may have a deep profound meaning, and then there’s some that just like the way it sounds. But all companies have a meaning behind their name. When deciding on a name a couple of years ago, the word “be” kept coming to mind. I spent months praying and thinking and putting every word I and my family could think of with the word be. Then, one day while I was singing a song, the words “ever be” stood out to me. I loved the meaning of both of those words, and the beauty in the truths within them. Ever means at all times; always, continuously and be means to exist or live.

It has been our hearts desire at ever be. to design things that point others back to Jesus. That when people receive our products, they would be reminded as to the awesome God we have and be encouraged through His Word. That they at all times; always, continuously, exist and live in the truths God speaks over their lives.

Over the past couple of years, we never lost sight of that desire, but honestly, life circumstances and disappointments took over. Doubt crept in and I started believing lies spoken over my life. But God! In His gentle and loving way reminded me as to who I am in Him! I am not defined by my past! I am not defined by what others or the world might think! I am a child of God! And it is His heart for me and how He sees me that defines me! Each one of us was made by the Creator of the Universe for a plan and a purpose. God created us to be. But, so many times our past, and the world around us tries to define who we are, whispering lies that literally have no right to be spoken into our lives. We are not defined by these things. It is God who created us, and it is only Him who has the right to define us! Yes, we all go through different seasons in our lives, but His plans and purpose for our lives are good, even in the hard times, He is still good! I believe that God wants us all to be. reminded of that now more than ever!

As I pressed into God more about what was next for ever be., the thought of wearing something to remind others came to mind. For those who know me well, I am a simple girl that loves simple, but pretty things. I love to wear necklaces! And if you are ever with me, you will probably notice me playing with my necklace. I even have a special necklace, given to me by my daughter, that is my go to. I constantly run my fingers over it, and every time I am reminded of the the reason behind it! So, a jewelry collection immediately came to mind. To make something that both women and men could wear that when they saw it or ran their fingers over it, would be reminded of who God created them to be. Yes!!! I was so excited for this idea! I wanted to share, but I felt led to just sit for a while with God in it. So I started formulating ideas and drawing. Which was making me more excited to share. Ha! But God continued to say, sit with me, dream with me. And that’s what I did! I began to research and allowed God develop what He wanted in this without any distractions. I knew what to do, create a simple jewelry with the word be. on each piece. I just didn’t know how to do it.

One morning while on a walk with my husband, I felt like it was time to share. I was excited, but nervous! Was he going to think I was crazy?! I love how God works! Instead of thinking I was crazy, he became my biggest cheerleader! You see, my husband is a make it happen type of guy! Which I love! That’s probably why God asked me to sit with Him for a while before sharing! Lol! Before I knew it, we were having jewelry samples shipped to the house, he was making lists and checking them off. He was researching how to make jewelry and so on. It was my job to design the “be.” Sounds easy enough! I think we went through a ream of paper trying to decide! This is definitely an over exaggeration, but that’s how it felt! Nothing felt right. I was frustrated, this should be the easy part! I was praying for direction and felt led to draw again. And that’s what I did. I wrote ‘be.’ so many times! It got to the point that I wouldn’t look at the paper as I was writing, because I would overthink it! But then there it was! I remember when I saw the be. that’s on the necklace for the first time! It was like the gates of heaven opened up with an ahhhhh!, and I cried! That was it! That would be great for the necklace, but we still needed a print style be. So, I ask my husband to help write. Hehehe! He did the same thing I did! He wrote the word “be.” hundreds of times, very slowly, overthinking every stroke of the pen! Then I let him in on my secret. Just write, don’t look. Together we wrote, creating the be. that’s on the cuff. Again, when we saw his “b” with my “e”, it was perfect! We both cried! Thank you Father for writing through us and blessing the work of our hands!

Many decisions have been made over the past few months and we have learned a lot and have met some awesome people along the way who have helped us get us to where we are today. We are excited to see what God will do in this jewelry collection, and we pray that God will be glorified in every detail!

God created all of us to be. In one season of your life you may be called to be. victorious, where another season you may be called to be. thankful, and yet another, you may be called to be. still and know. Our be. in Him is timeless! God never intends for us to stay where we are, instead he positions us to be. who he calls us to be. We pray that at all times, always, continuously you will exist and live the truths that God has spoken over your life and that you will ever be. reminded as to who you are in Him! May He be glorified in us and through us!

What is your be.?

I will praise the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips.
Psalm 34:1

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10

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